Peters Creek Watershed Association
Piney Fork Run

Piney Fork Run
South Park Twp


The mission of the Peters Creek Watershed Association is to protect and conserve the natural resources of the Peters Creek Watershed, to remediate ecologically damaged elements of the watershed and to promote long-term stewardship and responsible resource use practices within the watershed.

We conduct scientific assessments, inventories and research relevant to the natural resources of the watershed in order to develop and implement a watershed protection plan.

The Association seeks to cooperate with municipalities, governmental agencies, interested organizations, businesses and individuals to improve water quality and the general ecological health of the watershed.

We seek to increase public awareness by disseminating information concerning the natural resources of the watershed to interested parties and the general public, by partnering with educators to develop educational programs and resources to enhance citizens understanding of issues impacting the ecological health of the watershed and by acting as an information clearinghouse concerning key watershed issues.