Peters Creek Watershed ProjectsWatershed Stewardship & Monitoring
- A 2013 Dominion Mini-Grant will be used to purchase a Colorimeter to monitor nutrients in watershed streams .
- Partnering with 3 Rivers Quest to monitor streams throughout the watershed on a regular basis. They also provide more extensive monitoring of selected sites on a quarterly basis.
Environmental Education
- PCWA developed the Peters Creek Watershed Users Manual - a citizen's guide to a healthy watershed. This pamphlet promotes a watershed perspective, educates about pollution threatening our streams and provides simple ways that citizens can decrease their contribution to the problem. Request a copy by e-mailing or phoning (412) 233-6628
Partnering with Winchester-Thurston 7th grade teacher Peter Frischmann to initiate a "Trout in the Classroom" program. PCWA purchased equipment including a fish tank and chiller is being used by the students to raise brook trout from eggs during the school year.
Fish & Macroinvertebrate Sampling
- Fish and macroinvertebrate studies will be conducted at 7 sites on Peters Creek and Piney Fork during the spring of 2013.
- A 2012 Growing Greener Grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection entitled Sleepy Hollow Run Riparian Restoration will be used to reforest approximately 400 feet of Sleepy Hollow Run in South Park County Park.
- We are supporting Jefferson Hills efforts to utilize natural stream channel design methodology to repair sections of Peters Creek damaged by excess stormwater. They received a 2012 Growing Greener Grant to complete Phase 3 and Phase 4 during the upcoming year.
- Supporting the Allegheny County Conservation District's 2012 Growing Greener Grant entitled Improving Nutrient Loading in Peters Creek Watershed. This grant will be used to help horse farmers along Sleepy Hollow Run remove horses and their manure from the stream.
|  Wood Duck - Peters Twp Proposed Natural Streambank Stabilization Site Peters Creek Jefferson Hills |