Peters Creek

Peters Creek
Jefferson Hills


The Peters Creek corridor is an important recreational resource and provides numerous opportunities for outdoor activities. Hunting, walking, running, fishing and biking are just a few of the popular activities along Peters Creek and its tributaries.

The Montour Bike Trail parallels Peters Creek and Piney Fork Run for approximately twelve miles and will eventually connect to a rails-to-trails network that links Pittsburgh with Washington D.C.

Peters Creek is a popular fishing destination for local residents and is stocked with trout by a local fishing club; The Tri-Community Anglers. The stream is still considered too impaired by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission to permit stocking by the State.

The relatively undeveloped Peters Creek corridor is comprised of varied habitats including woodland, numerous wetlands and old fields. Two locations within the watershed were singled out as Biodiversy Areas in the 1994 Natural Heritage Inventories of Allegheny and Washington County. The corridor provides many opportunities for bird watching and nature study.